Sunday, September 11, 2011

Honanki and Palatki Ruins trails

These trails are not difficult in any way, in fact time spent actually hiking from the parking lot to the ruins is minimal. The real spirit of these trails is in the ancient ruins themselves. The sense of  historical 'presence' still emanates from the 'magic' and ancient wisdom that was practiced here for centuries by succeeding groups of native peoples while scrabbling out a living in this very unforgiving land, depending on their visions of gods and spirits for help and guidance. Up close to these rock cliffs, wind and water formed towers, caves, and box canyons, the lighting is strange and intense. Color is equally unique and unusual so I was moved to try some experimental attempts to describe the spiritual and historical emanations flowing from these ancient places. The 'rock art' I incorporated is very close to the real experience one feels while intruding on the mysteries of these special locations.